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International Agreement Proposal

International Agreement Proposal

International Agreement Proposal

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Upload rationale document. *

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please prepare a brief summary (no more than 1 page) that describes the rationale for this proposal. It should include areas of mutual interest, opportunities for new activities, and the benefits that the University of Utah and the partner institution will realize.
Upload profile of partner institution document.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please prepare a brief profile (2-3 paragraphs) of the partner institution including location, size, and programs (both academic and research.)

University Designated Representative

Please list the people responsible for monitoring and maintaining the activities of this partnership.

Partner Institution Designated Representative

Please list the people responsible for monitoring and maintaining the activities of this partnership.

University Signing Authority

Please list the individual with signing authority to represent the institution.

Partner Institution Signing Authority

For our international partners, this is typically the Rector, President, Vice-President or Dean.
The Dean of your College has reviewed and approved this request for a partnership agreement. *