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Global Travel Safety

International Travel Process

Faculty & Staff International Travel

University of Utah employees participating in University-affiliated international activities are required to:

  • register all trips with the University before departure, and
  • enroll in University group travel insurance.

Registering your trip connects you to University insurance coverage, travel assistance, and emergency evacuation services available for U travelers abroad. Travel registration also allows the U to provide support for international emergencies.


Employees/Travel Planners will enroll for insurance after registering a trip with UTravel Services Department. Enrollment instructions will be provided via email after successfully opening a ‘Travel Request’ for international travel inside the UTravel SAP Concur System.


Questions about the U employee travel registration system and processes should be directed to UTravel. Detailed information about University international travel insurance can be found here.

Register Your Trip

Student Travel to International Locations

All U students participating in University-affiliated travel to international locations are required to register their trip(s). Examples include:

  • U sponsored or affiliated international student programs**
  • Independent research abroad
  • International conferences
  • Internships or service-learning opportunities affiliated with the U
  • Traveling abroad as a member of an ASUU student group or organization

**If you are participating in a Learning Abroad and Eccles Global program, your travel will be registered automatically with the University. You will receive confirmation of travel registration and insurance enrollment in the weeks before their program begins. Questions? Contact Learning Abroad or Eccles Global.

Note on Domestic (U.S.) Insurance

When traveling abroad, U student travelers are strongly encouraged to maintain their U.S. (domestic) health insurance coverage. Travelers who experience significant injury or illness while abroad may need to return stateside to continue medical treatment.

Register Your Trip
Have Questions or Need Help?

Contact Global Risk