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Global Programs

Custom Programs

Experience-rich, tailor-made trainings that match the vast expertise of the University of Utah
with the specific interests of our global partners.

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PAC-12 China Coaches Program
Visiting coaches study technique, team building, recruiting, sports nutrition, sports psychology, and injury prevention at the U for three months with the goal to transform the collegiate sports system in China.
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China National Parks Program
Chinese park administrators visit U.S. National Parks to study natural resource management, policy, law enforcement, and visitor use frameworks with U Parks, Recreation & Tourism. Participants return better equipped to launch China’s new network of national parks.
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Summer Humanities Program
A month-long program held in partnership with Sun-Yat Sen University in China. Students take courses in Writing & Rhetoric, American History, Sociology, and Religions in the U.S. and engage in immersive cultural experiences. Participants live on campus and also spend time at the U’s field site in Montana.
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Global Campus Program
Pen pals meet in real life in the Global Campus Program. 300 high school students from Utah and Korea are paired up and get to know each other by mail before meeting face-to-face in Utah. Now in its 10th year, the initiative invites visiting students to tour the U’s campus and meet with academic advisors.
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How can a custom program benefit my team?

Our unique programs are built to bridge viewpoints, skillsets and relationships between students, scholars, campuses, and countries.

Why train internationally?

One of the biggest rewards of training internationally is the gift of perspective. When teams come to our campus, they find they are better able to reflect on the challenges (and solutions!) to the unique contexts they face at home.

How do I get started?

All Global U Custom Programs are co-created with leaders like you who are looking to make real, meaningful change in their organization. Together, we craft a program that builds the capacity of your team so you can create your next big thing.

Contact Cheri Daily, Executive Director, Global Program Development, Marketing & Communications to begin creating a Global U Custom Program for your team.