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Office For Global Engagement


Brian Gibson, Ph.D.

Brian Gibson, Ph.D.

Dr. Brian Gibson, a noted leader of internationalization and global engagement efforts, joined the University of Utah as its new Chief Global Officer on July 1, 2021. At the University of Utah, Dr. Gibson is responsible for leading the Office of Global Engagement and leading the planning and execution of strategic internationalization initiatives, including the Utah Asia Campus (UAC). Dr. Gibson works collaboratively with UAC leaders on growing undergraduate enrollments and increasing master’s degree programs. Gibson also serves as a key member of the Academic Affairs leadership team at the University of Utah.

Immediately prior to joining the University of Utah, Dr. Gibson served as executive director of George Mason University’s Global Education Office. In five years at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, Gibson founded the university’s Global Education Office and oversaw global learning programs, which doubled in size during his tenure, growing from 900 to 1,700 students. He managed more than 200 global programs, launching the university’s first experiential learning program and developing its first travel safety and security system.

Before his time at George Mason, Gibson led Northeastern University’s Global Experience Office for two years where he oversaw that university’s world renown global co-op program. From 2012 to 2014, Dr. Gibson was a visiting professor at City University of Hong Kong in the faculty of law; and from 2006 to 2012, Gibson was Columbia University’s assistant dean for Comparative and International Programs. He served as acting branch chief for the U.S. Department of State’s Fulbright Office from 2004 to 2006.

Dr. Gibson holds BS and JD degrees from Georgetown University, a MS degree from Columbia University and a PhD from the University of Amsterdam.


Randy McCrillis, Ph.D.

Executive Director,
U Asia Campus

Randy McCrillis, Ph.D.

Executive Director,
U Asia Campus

Randy McCrillis, Ph.D. is the Dean of Students at The University of Utah Asia Campus. Previously, Randy was Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement and Assessment and Director of Cultural Unity and Engagement Center at The University of Colorado Boulder. He has a Ph.D. in Leadership from the University of Nebraska, he has taught courses in cross-cultural communication, organizational behavior, leadership and diversity facilitation at the graduate and undergraduate level. Randy enjoys skiing, hiking and camping with his 6 year old daughter.

Cheri Daily

Executive Director,
Global Program Development, Marketing & Communications

Cheri Daily

Executive Director,
Global Program Development, Marketing & Communications

Ms. Daily has been in leadership in the Office for Global Engagement at the University of Utah since the inception of the office in 2013. In her current position, she developed multi-year, multi-disciplinary programs for international scholars, professionals and students, including a four-year program which brought 100 Chinese university coaches to the U each year for three months. The success of these programs led to expanded provincial relationships in China, and the enhancement of the University of Utah’s reputation as a leader in international education.

In addition to her work in the Office for Engagement, Ms. Daily is currently key leadership personnel for a five-year USAID program for strengthening higher education systems in Pakistan, a grant she helped secure for the University of Utah.

Prior to working for the University of Utah, Cheri had a successful two-decade career in Silicon Valley managing software development for companies such as Apple/IBM startup Kaleida Labs and AOL. As Vice President for AOL Time Warner, she was responsible for the integration of Time Warner’s media properties into the AOL service.

Ms. Daily is co-inventor on a software patent and holds a B.A. from the University of California, San Diego, and an M.S. in International Affairs and Global Enterprise from the University of Utah. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy at the U of U.


Alexandra Wallace

Director, Learning Abroad

Anastasia Fynn

Director, International Student and Scholar Services

Parker Pflaum

Associate Director Global Engagement & Risk Management


Sovanna Behrmann

Administrative Manager

Claudia Diaz

Web Manager

Dave Howell

IT Manager

Cecily Sakrison

Marketing Manager

Shenrui Yang

Global Program Assistant

Mike Park

Marketing & Development Coordinator


Stephen C. Alder, Ph.D

Special Advisor for West Africa Programs

Stephen C. Alder, Ph.D

Special Advisor for West Africa Programs
A Professor of Family and Preventive Medicine and Chief of the Division of Public Health at the University of Utah, where he holds adjunct appointments in Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Health Promotion and Education. He is an affiliated faculty member with the Honors College, where he is the advisor for the Global Health Scholars program. He also holds an adjunct appointment with the Department of Health Sciences at Brigham Young University and is affiliated with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Sciences and Technology through the School of Medical Sciences. Dr. Alder started with the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine in 1995 as a founding member of the Health Research Center and has been active in various forms of clinical and population-based research since that time. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Environment and Behavior and Family Ecology, with emphases in statistics and research methods and a Doctor of Philosophy in Health Promotion and Education with a focus on Community Health in 2001. Dr. Alder is President of the Association of Accredited Public Health Programs and a member of the Framing the Future Task Force, sponsored by the Association of Schools of Public Health, which is looking at academic public health over the next 100 years. Locally, he serves as a member of the Board of Health for the Salt Lake Valley Health Department. Dr.Alder’s scholarly emphases include global public health, community engaged health development, public health workforce development and managing the health of populations.

Michael L. Hardman, Ph.D.

Special Advisor

Michael L. Hardman, Ph.D.

Special Advisor
Michael Hardman is a University Distinguished Professor, Special Assistant to the Office for Global Engagement (OGE), Dean Emeritus, College of Education, and President/ Co-Chair of the University of Utah Asia Campus Board of Directors. He is the former University Chief Global Officer (2013-2018), Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (2012-2013), Dean of the College of Education (2007-2012), as well as Chair of the Department of Special Education, Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning, and College Associate Dean for Research. Dr. Hardman has numerous experiences within education and public policy, including appointment as the Matthew J. Guglielmo Endowed Chair at California State University, Los Angeles; Visiting Senior Scholar at Cambridge University; Senior Education Advisor and Kennedy Fellow, the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation; Legislative Staff to the United States Senate; the Governor’s Representative to the California Advisory Commission on Special Education, University Coordinator for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Center for Community of Caring; President of the Higher Education Consortium for Special Education; and a member of the Board of Directors for several international organizations. He has directed or consulted on several international projects on school improvement for USAID, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and UNICEF. Dr. Hardman has published widely in international and national journals in the field of education and has authored nine college textbooks of which two, Human Exceptionality (Cengage Learning) and Intellectual Disabilities Through the Lifespan (Pearson Group), are in their twelfth and ninth editions respectively. As a researcher, he has directed international and national demonstration projects in the areas of educational policy and reform, teacher quality and professional development, inclusive education, and preparing tomorrow’s leaders in education. Michael Hardman is married to Monica Ferguson, National Board Certified Language Specialist, Research Associate in the Urban Institute for Teacher Education at the University of Utah, Co-Founder and Former Director of the Stegner Writing Institute. Mike and Monica live in Park City, Utah, and enjoy hiking, skiing, and tennis. Together they are the parents of five children and have 12 grandchildren.

Chris M. Ireland, Ph.D.

Special Advisor

Chris M. Ireland, Ph.D.

Special Advisor
Dr. Chris M. Ireland joined the faculty of the University of Utah as an Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry in 1983. He served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry from 1992-99 and as Dean of the College of Pharmacy and L. S. Skaggs Presidential Endowed Chair for Pharmacy from 2009 to 2014. In 2015, Dr. Ireland was appointed the Chief Administrative Officer of the University of Utah Asia Campus and Associate Vice President for Research at the Asia Campus. While living in Korea for three years he oversaw tremendous growth in the campus and was also active in revitalizing the University of Utah Korean Alumni Association that has more than 2000 members. He served in these roles at the Asia Campus until his current appointment as the Interim Chief Global Officer of the University of Utah in July 2018. Dr. Ireland will retain his appointments as a Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. During his 35 years on the faculty he has established himself as a world leader in the field of natural product drug discovery. Dr. Ireland's research program has focused on the discovery of antitumor agents from natural product sources including marine invertebrate animals, tropical plants and fungi. He and his co-workers have published approximately 200 peer reviewed research articles, eight book chapters and eight patents and received more than $25M in extramural research funding. He has trained more than 60 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in his lab, many of which have gone on to very successful research careers of their own. It is notable that approximately half of his co-workers have pursued academic careers and include among their ranks a sitting Dean of a US College of Pharmacy, a Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry at a major US University and a variety of other leadership roles at Universities around the world. His research accomplishments and international reputation have been acknowledged in the form of numerous invitations to speak at national and international symposia on natural products research and cancer chemotherapeutics. Dr. Ireland has received additional recognition by serving on a number of review panels at NIH including the Bioorganic and Natural Products NIH study section and most recently as a member of the National Cancer Institute’s Board of Scientific Counselors. He is an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, an American Society of Pharmacognosy Fellow, a 2008 short term Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and an Honorary Research Fellow of the Queensland Museum Biodiversity Program. His awards include an NIH Career Development Award, the 2006 University of Utah Inaugural Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award, the 2006 University of Utah, College of Pharmacy Distinguished Teaching Award, the 2007 University of Utah Distinguished Scholarly & Creative Research Award, the 10th Webster Sibilsky Award for Contributions to the Field of Medicinal Chemistry, the 2007 Utah Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology, the 2010 Taito O. Soine Award, the 2012 ASP Farnsworth Award, the 2014 Robert F. Borne Distinguished Lecture Award, the 2014 Richard Hutchinson Award Lecture, and the 2014 Paul J. Scheuer award, the most prestigious award in the field of marine natural products. Dr. Ireland has served as the Principal Investigator of a National Cooperative Drug Discovery Group consortium funded by the NCI to discover new cancer drugs from unique natural products sources, and as the Co-PI of an International Cooperative Biodiversity Group consortium funded by the Fogerty International Center to discover new HIV, Malaria and TB drugs from plants and traditional medicines in Papua New Guinea. During his career, Dr. Ireland has been actively engaged in international research and education programs that have supported student exchanges and development of infrastructure for education and teaching at the University of the Philippines, The University of the South Pacific in Fiji, and the University of Papua New Guinea. Dr. Ireland and his wife Mary Kay Harper, who is a research scientist at the U, have four children and eight grandchildren. Three of their children attended the U. Dr. Ireland and Mary Kay have traveled extensively throughout the tropical Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. Their passion is scuba diving and underwater photography.

Tariq Banuri, Ph.D.

Global Advisor

Tariq Banuri, Ph.D.

Global Advisor
Tariq Banuri has broad experience in government, academia, civil society, and the international system, most recently as the Director, Division for Sustainable Development, at the United Nations. He started his career in the Civil Service of Pakistan, went on to receive a PhD in Economics from Harvard University, joined the United Nations as a Research Fellow at the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), a model that he adopted in setting up and serving as the founding Executive Director of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in Pakistan. He has served on national as well as international forums for policy, advocacy, and research, including as the chair of the Board of Governors of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), a founding member of the Great Transition Initiative (GTI), member of the board of governors of Pakistan’s central bank, member of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Council, and Member/ Secretary of the Presidential Steering Committee on Higher Education, and as a Coordinating Lead Author of the Nobel Prize winning Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

M. Aslam Chaudhry, Ph.D.

Global Advisor

M. Aslam Chaudhry, Ph.D.

Global Advisor
Dr. Chaudhry is a Research Professor of Economics at the University of Utah. His expertise includes developing and implementing institutional development and capacity-building programs for advancing natural resources management. His recent work has focused on strengthening links between higher education and sustainable development agendas. From 2015 to 2019, he served as Chief of Party of the U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water established at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan. Prior to joining the University of Utah, he served the United Nations Secretariat for 24+ years in several managerial positions, including Director/Head of the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development in Incheon, Republic of Korea; Chief of Global Policy Branch (NY Hqs); Chief of Water and Natural Resources Branch (NY Hqs); Senior Water Adviser (NY Hqs); and Technical Adviser of UN executed projects and programs (in several developing countries). He also served as the Secretary of UN-Water (2007-2009). His UN experience covers a broad range of normative, analytical, and operational aspects of sustainable development. Dr. Chaudhry holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Natural Resources Economics from Colorado State University, and is the author of several papers, book chapters, and parliamentary reports for the UN covering different aspects of sustainable development.

Eric K. Hutchings

Global Ambassador

Eric K. Hutchings

Global Ambassador
Eric is a Republican member of the Utah House of Representatives, representing District 38. He was first appointed to the chamber in 2001. Hutchings earned his B.A. in Asian Studies from Brigham Young University. Representative Hutchings serves as the Chair of several committees in the Utah State Legislature, including the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee, and the Utah International Relations and Trade Commission.

Sae Young Kim

Global Ambassador



Mission Statement

OGE provides leadership, infrastructure and best practices in support of University of Utah global initiatives. Our mission is to serve as a hub for cross-cultural education, outreach and scholarship.


Our vision is to advance transformative learning, scholarship and cross-cultural collaboration through global engagement.

Core Values

  • Create Opportunities for Global Learning and Scholarship
  • Promote Intercultural Competence and Understanding
  • Make a Difference
  • Collaborate as a Catalyst for Growth and Change