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Global Learning Forum

Global Learning in Utah Higher Education

This one-day forum is open to faculty and administrators
from Utah higher education institutions

FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2020 | 8a.m. – 6:30p.m.

***This event is postponed due to travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Forum will be re-scheduled as soon as we know that university travel restrictions have been lifted. Registered participants have been notified via email. If you have questions, please contact Madelyn Giron in the Office for Global Engagement at or 801-587-8888.***.

The University of Utah will host a one-day Forum focused on curriculum innovation via global learning. The Forum is sponsored by the Association for International Education Administrators (AIEA) and will be co-facilitated by Dr. Sabine Klahr, Executive Director, Office for Global Engagement, and Associate Chief Global Officer at the University of Utah; Dr. Stephanie Doscher, Director of Global Learning Initiatives, at Florida International University; and Dr. Pamela Hardin, Associate Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Utah.

The Forum will bring together senior international officers, higher education administrators, faculty, and staff from all ten higher education institutions in Utah to infuse global learning into curricula across the state. The workshops and sessions will enable Utah higher education institutions to develop a common understanding of global learning and promote the implementation of successful global learning strategies.

AIEA Thematic Forum: Global Learning in Utah Higher Education

Preliminary Agenda
University of Utah Guest House Conference Center

8:00 – 9:00 Registration, light breakfast, and networking
9:00 – 9:30 Welcome and introduction to the Forum:
  • Sabine C. Klahr, Associate Chief Global Officer, University of Utah
  • Stephanie Doscher, Director of the Office for Global Learning Initiatives, Florida International University
  • Daniel A. Reed, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Utah
9:30 – 11:30
  • Workshop: What is Global Learning and What Does It Look Like?
  • Activity: Case Studies
  • Facilitator: Stephanie Doscher
11:45 – 1:45 Lunch (each table will have a topic to discuss to generate dialogue and encourage networking)
1:15 – 3:15 Breakout Sessions
  1. Introduction to Backward Course Design and Defining Global Learning Outcomes
    This session is great for faculty, professional developers, and instructional designers new to global learning or just beginning the process of infusing global learning into courses and activities. Bring current goals/outcomes/objectives to revise if you’ve got them, or come open to designing brand new ones! You’ll leave with a solid plan of action for using outcomes to design high quality global learning experiences for your students—on campus, online, in the community, or abroad.Facilitator: Stephanie Doscher, Director, Office of Global Learning Initiatives, Florida International University
  1. The Context of Global Learning Across the Disciplines 
    Using a disciplinary framework, this session provides an opportunity for faculty who are internationalizing their curriculum (syllabi) to explore what internationalization looks like in the context of their discipline and to compare/contrast various disciplinary attributes. This session is ideal for participants who are seeking to further identify various disciplinary approaches to global learning and/or to better understand how faculty may engage (or not) with internationalization.Facilitator: Melanie Agnew, Dean of Education, Westminster College
  1. The Diverse Classroom: Inclusive and Collaborative Teaching 
    Global Learning and classroom diversity go well together, but working with students from diverse backgrounds is often challenging.  This interactive session will explore some techniques to make classes inclusive to students of diverse backgrounds.  We will explore cultural views on collaboration and learn some tips that help all learners succeed in our classroom.   Facilitator: Karen Marsh Schaeffer, Director, English for Academic Success, Linguistics Department, University of Utah
  1. Bring your syllabi: Workshopping syllabi to infuse global learning
    This session provides an opportunity for faculty who are working on developing global learning outcomes in their courses and restructuring course activities to meet those outcomes to ask questions and receive ideas and recommendations from other attendees and the facilitators. This session is ideal for participants who have a good foundational knowledge of global learning and are in the process of revising their courses.Facilitators: Caren Frost, Director, Human Research Protections Program & Quality Compliance and Research Professor, College of Social Work, University of Utah and Sabine Klahr, Associate Chief Global Officer, Office for Global Engagement, University of Utah
3:15  - 3:45 Networking Break with Refreshments
3:45 – 4:45 Summary and Conclusion:
  1. Open discussion on the take-aways from the Forum and how they will be applied to curriculum revision or program development at Utah institutions
  2. Creating a Utah network of faculty and administrators who connect on a regular basis via face-to-face or virtual meeting platforms
  3. Resources for Global Learning to continue professional development at Utah institutions
4:45 – 6:30 Closing Reception